Computerised Interactive Remediation of Cognition and Thinking Skills
Insights into the evidence, impact and experience of Cognitive Remediation Therapy
Adding Brain Stimulation to Cognitive Remediation
The CIRCuiTS™ Trial
Adding CIRCuiTS™ to My Skill Set
Delivering Cognitive Remediation Remotely
From training to delivery: insights from a new CIRCuiTS™ therapist
CRT: How patients perceive it
Implementing Cognitive Remediation: From Lab to Clinic to Community
From an Occupational Therapist to a CR Therapist
A Circuit Breaker
Being satisfied with cognitive remediation – is it important?
How has Cognitive Remediation been Adapted to Different Cultures?
Therapist experience of using CRT: from the past to the present
What took us so long? A very brief history of thinking skills treatment
How do we know that cognitive remediation is effective?
Interview with a CR Therapist in Finland
Accessing Cognitive Remediation in Australia
How important are thinking skills to young people with mental Illness?
Tailoring Cognitive Remediation
Client Reflections on CIRCuiTS from IDIBAPS, Barcelona
Finding Your Success: CR therapist thoughts