Computerised Interactive Remediation of Cognition and Thinking Skills
Insights into the evidence, impact and experience of Cognitive Remediation Therapy
The CIRCuiTS™ Trial
Delivering Cognitive Remediation Remotely
CRT: How patients perceive it
Implementing Cognitive Remediation: From Lab to Clinic to Community
From an Occupational Therapist to a CR Therapist
A Circuit Breaker
Is cognitive remediation acceptable?
What took us so long? A very brief history of thinking skills treatment
How do we know that cognitive remediation is effective?
Interview with a CR Therapist in Finland
Accessing Cognitive Remediation in Australia
Tailoring Cognitive Remediation
Client Reflections on CIRCuiTS from IDIBAPS, Barcelona
Finding Your Success: CR therapist thoughts
Clinical Psychologist shares her experience of delivering Cognitive Remediation Therapy...
Therapist experience of using CIRCuiTS
Training to be a Cognitive Remediation therapist: Hearing from our online trainees
View from a CR Therapist
How CIRCuiTS Rebuilt My Confidence